i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, in collaboration with the President of the international organization The Doctor as a Humanist (Jonathan McFarland), is holding the “Humanism in Surgery” Symposium on 19th, 20th and 21st May 2022, in hybrid format (presential at the Institute of Research and Innovation in Health (i3S-UP), Porto, Portugal and online).
To learn more visit the i3S page for the full program: https://www.i3s.up.pt/event.php?v=206
The last day of the symposium – 21st May – will be mainly dedicated to The European Narrative Medicine Society – EUNAMES – with the special presence of its president (Maria Giulia Marini), who will give a plenary talk, hold a roundtable with other EUNAME’s members and contribute with her invaluable knowledge on Narrative Medicine throughout the symposium.
Why should we attend it?
- It is the first event on Humanism in Surgery
- It will gather many interesting and knowledgeable speakers from different fields and cultural backgrounds
- It will promote debate on how to keep humanism at the heart of surgery
- It will be an opportunity to gather senior professionals, residents and medical/other health sciences students from many different parts of the world
- It will open up (urgent) reflection on health sciences education
- It will be a hands on approach event, showing (and not only telling) why Arts and Humanities matter to provide solid scientific and sound technological healthcare.
The European Narrative Medicine Society was born from an idea of the Italian Society of Narrative Medicine (SIMeN), and it is an association of non-profit researchers dedicated to the investigation of Medical Humanities and Humanities for Health in the medical, health care, social services.
The purpose of this European Society is to promote and strengthen dialogues, discussions on the present and the future of Medical Humanities and narrative medicine, for health professionals, researchers (both academics and non-academics), humanists, teachers and other professionals coming from every branch. All this with the aim to contribute to improve both the well-being of people who suffer from a physical condition or a mental illness, and the health workers, the caregivers, the social services and the citizenship.
VISIT THE EUNAMES PAGE TO LEARN MORE: https://www.medicinanarrativa.eu/eunames
We are always welcoming new members from around Europe and happy to broaden our host member community with people fro around the world. If you want to join us, please send a short profile to the above email and we will be in touch.