Open Seminar: Natutral Semantic Metalanguage and minimal language for a better world communication

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Baveno, 18 Luglio 2019 – ore 15:00-17:30
Centro Didattico Fondazione ISTUD
Strada Nazionale del Sempione Oltrefiume, 25

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15.00- 16.00: Open seminar on Natural semantic metalanguage and Minimal English, to counteract the the danger of Angloscentrism: why the need of ethnopsycological – personhood constructs. The examples of the difference of words as Heart, Mind and Soul in different countries. Are we endangering to lose the Divinity of the words?
(Bert Peeters)

16.00-16.30: Open debate

16.45-17.30: The languages of care (Maria Giulia Marini, Luigi Reale and Paola Chesi)

Audience: ISTUD Faculty, medical humanities experts, academic students, partecipants at the Master of Applied Narrative Medicine, and everybody else interested in communication.

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Bert Peeters is an Honorary Associate Professor at the Australian National University, Canberra; an Adjunct Associate Professor at Griffith University, Brisbane; and editor of Semantic primes and universal grammar (2006) and Language and cultural values: adventures in applied ethnolinguistics (2015). His research interests are French linguistics and Natural Semantic Metalanguage.

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