During the last year, the Covid-19 pandemic marked the fragility of the Italian Health System, accentuating socio-economic and geographical disparities in access to assistance services, the reduced integration between hospital services and territorial services and the very long waiting times for access to some health services. Overcoming these critical issues is one of the priority objectives for which, from the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic to date, multiple digital health tools have been activated on the national territory. The need to address the issue of telemedicine had already been considered in the pre-Covid era, before the distancing and limitation of interpersonal contact were imposed, but the pandemic has undoubtedly strengthened the push towards this new approach. On 17 December 2020, the State-Regions Conference approved the national guidelines on Telemedicine, which define the rules for the remote delivery of certain health services and the related pricing logic. Particular attention is paid to the tele-visit, which in recent months has represented one of the areas on which various projects at company and regional level have focused. In this scenario, the goal of this research is to outline the new patient’s journey in digital healthcare, clarifying where and how the technology is applicable and in which areas, on the other hand, a face-to-face visit is required. The project involved an analysis of the different strategies adopted by the main Italian regions in the field of E-health