Maria Giulia Marini, Innovation Director of ISTUD’s Health and Safety Area, on 5th of June spoke at the round table “How Clinical Narrative/s Help/s to Rethink Narrative? together with Brian Hurwitz from King’s College London. The day that took place at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon is the first of many meetings related to international project called SHARE.
We present to our readers the slides, entitled “When using Medical Humanities and when Narrative Medicine in Education“, presented at the meeting.
The project will involve the most influential centers of training in Narrative Medicine in Europe; among many, the ISTUD Foundation, and the universities of King’s College London, University of Lisbon and the Université Paris Descartes.
The aim of the project will be mainly to outline the best training strategies for students from the various scientific faculties and health professionals, but also at an earlier stage by addressing students from high schools, through the activity of an international network of experts in the field, which also includes Isabel Fernandes (of the University of Lisbon, which hosts the event) and Maria Giulia Marini. The main topics dealt with during the event day on 5th of June were mainly methodologies for the best implementation of training on medical humanities and on narrative medicine. In addition, special attention was paid to the identification of the best tools to measure the effectiveness of the narrative in improving the quality of care, quality of life, the doctor-patient relationship, including not only the perspectives of patients and families, but also paying particular attention to the welfare of health professionals such as the reduction of episodes of burnout and compassion fatigue.
The important and prestigious task entrusted to ISTUD in the merit of this project will be to select on the Italian territory the centres that propose training courses in Narrative Medicine, identifying the map of the high quality didactic offer in the great variety of proposals in the Italian territory.
On 7th of June Maria Giulia was one of the speakers at the 17th ESHMS Biennial Congress held in Lisbon, organised by the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology and the ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. The intervention aimed at spreading and presenting the goals and the centers involved in the SHARE project, focused mainly on Fiction Medicine as a democratic tool because it is open to everyone, as a collection of all the voices of patients, doctors and families as opposed to Medical Humanities that have a strong oligarchic feature, as an elite tool of experts such as writers and video-makers.